COVID-19 Update For Our Customers



April 15, 2020

We hope that you are and your loved ones are safe during this pandemic. With the recent ongoing developments due to COVID-19, we would like to provide an update to our clients and employees.


  • All non-essential work is currently on hold until the ban on non-essential services has been lifted
  • All new landscaping projects that were started after March 15th are currently on hold
  • We continue to provide maintenance services for essential businesses such as Hospital, Medical Facilities and other businesses and facilities that are deemed essential as per the Government of Ontario Guidelines. Please click this link to see if your business falls under the essential workplaces category.
  • Any of our clients who are experiencing financial difficulties and require assistance can reach out to us to discuss options.
Contact us if you have any questions regarding your service. We are here for you!

We’re open for business for essential clients

Our clients depend on the services that we provide them. We have taken aggressive preventative measures as a result of COVID-19. These measures include asking employees who are sick to stay at home.  Our office staff and management have been advised to self-quarantine and work from home.

Social Distancing and PPE for our frontline employees

All of our front-line maintenance staff has been instructed to practice social distancing while working, keeping a minimum of 6 feet (2 Meters) distance from other personnel.

In addition to this, they are required to wear PPE at all times, this includes masks and gloves. We are also constantly sanitizing all of our hand-operated equipment, tools and vehicles to maintain a safe and clean working environment.

We are all in this together!

Take care of yourselves and each other,
Irfan Motala
President and CEO





March 19, 2020

In the midst of pain and uncertainty of the past weeks the health and well-being of our employees, customers and our communities is our responsibility. I wanted to reach out on behalf of everyone at Mr. Lawnmower with the hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. Our first priority is to help blunt the impact of this public health crisis. We also have an obligation to provide you with continued service, and I wanted to assure you that we will meet that obligation even in difficult times like these. 

We’re open for business
Our clients depend on the services that we provide them. Usually, employees are expected to come to work if they have a minor cold. We have taken aggressive preventative measures as a result of COVID-19. These measures include asking employees who are sick to stay at home. Thoroughly disinfect tools and personal protective equipment. Luckily, we are also a millennial landscape company and have moved our entire system to the cloud. Our office staff and management have been advised to self-quarantine and work from home.

We’re here for you

The world in the last few weeks has changed and is not functioning like we are used to. To help cope with these issues we are asking clients to submit requests online or through email rather than calling in. Please know that we are taking each issue as a priority and will make every effort to meet your needs. Also, we have frozen our prices to help our clients and we won’t be raising our prices this year, it’s not the time to do that. 
As the situation continues to evolve, we are monitoring it closely and ensuring our own best practices align with the guidance provided by public health and government organizations. 

Thank you for your continued trust in us. Keep calm, carry on, wash your hands, be kind to the vulnerable, and together let’s help flatten that curve. Please continue to take care of yourselves and each other.

All the best, 
Irfan Motala
President and CEO
